Kumho Tire Usa
Haven Agency
Design, UI, UX
Photoshop, Flash, After Effects
If you can make tires sexy, you’ve made it as a designer.
Those were the words a good friend of mine bestowed upon me after telling him I was working on a website for tires.
But he was right (as always). Tires are something all commuters need, but don’t want to spend the money on.
They get us to our destinations safely, and so we should give them the respect that they deserve…right? RIGHT!
Designed with the utmost care and attention to detail (that’s how we did things at Haven), with animations and interactions visualized with Flash and After Effects (mind you, this was before UX, IxD were household acronyms), and built out using the latest jQuery had to offer.
We definitely got a lot of miles out of that site, but Kumho eventually retired the design for a more simplified look.
Well, I was going to wrap up with a tire joke but when I think I’ve finally nailed one, they always seem to go flat.